1·It has been given the name "facial vision", because blind people have reported that it feels a bit like the sense of touch, on the face.
2·Facial expressions aren't as important in live performances generally, because the choreographer knows that someone in the back row of a theater may not be able to see a dancer's face clearly.
3·The researchers then tested the dogs' ability to distinguish between human facial expressions by showing them the other half of the person's face on images totally different from the ones used in training.
4·Today, my most obvious issue, a side effect of treatment for head and neck cancer, is chronic facial swelling, also known as moon face.
5·Magazines and AD agencies often alter photographs of models, either by airbrushing the facial and muscular features, or by putting a good-looking face on someone else's buff body.
6·If enough skull fragments are found, Mallegni will try to reconstruct Lisa's facial features, in order to see if her face matches that of the iconic painting hanging at the Louvre museum in Paris.
7·A microexpression is a brief, involuntary facial expression shown on the face of humans when one is trying to conceal or repress an emotion.
8·Recently a robot was able to teach itself human facial expressions by randomly contorting its face and receiving feedback on what resembled real expressions.
9·This shows that prosopagnosia is clearly not 'face blindness' - people with the condition can see faces fine - what they can't do is distinguish people by their facial features.
10·If you need a good facial scrub, you can coarsely grind some coffee beans and use them to scrub your face. They have great exfoliating properties.